Xpert2 – 9210B Beta Software

This software will not run on the original Xpert or 9210 hardware. It must be run on Xpert2 or 9210B hardware. Scroll to the bottom of this page for the latest firmware for the original Xpert/9210 platform.

NOTE: Due to recent manufacturing changes, serial numbers 1409000 or higher must run firmware or higher.

NOTE: When upgrading v3.7.x.x to any higher version, you must upgrade the loader! See the readme.txt file in the download, section “Upgrade the Boot Loader”. BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE DOWNGRADE: When downgrading from v3.8.x.x or higher to any lower version, you must back up your data first! Downgrading from v3.8+ to v3.7 or lower will wipe your Flash Disk!


These are the current BETA manuals for Xpert and 9210B:


Xpert2 v4.0.0.28 Beta

Published to BETA 02/13/2024

Change Highlights

  • Updated Nortek SLL to remove conversion of Nortek counts to Sontek counts when generating a Sontek-formatted report.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.27 Beta

Published to BETA 02/05/2024

Change Highlights

  • Updated Nortek SLL to enable use of Signature series, provide a 100ms delay after break sequence, decode battery voltage, and round ports tag values.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.25 Beta

Published to BETA 07/26/2023

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug in the OS (CE6) serial driver that could cause the system to crash.
  • Expanded Xterm COM port range.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.24 Beta

Published to BETA 04/12/2023

Change Highlights

  • A 10-minute inactivity timeout has been added to ModbusTCP to handle the case where a session is never closed or the signal to close is dropped.
  • Fixed a bug where Modbus register reads would occasionally require retries under a multi-threaded load.
  • Fixed a bug where a small resource leak could occur if a TCP service was bombarded with requests.
  • Modbus requests are now serialized to ensure simultaneous requests won’t interfere with each other.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.23 Beta

Published to BETA 02/21/2023

Change Highlights

  • Updated RAM timing to improve reliability.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.22 Beta

Published to BETA 10/18/2022

Change Highlights

  • Added new formatter, “INSAT2”, supporting enhanced and flexible formatting over INSAT satellites.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.20 Beta

Published to BETA 10/01/2021

Change Highlights

  • Reduced RAM usage by wave processing block to improve performance in older Xpert loggers.
  • Fixed minor bug in wave processing block where buffer allocations were not reinitialized after changing sample frequency until the next reboot.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the NOS formatter to ensure the proper backup water level is included in the transmission.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.19 Beta

Published to BETA 07/20/2021

Change Highlights

  • Added support for fallback to Iridium on LAN transmission failure. “GRPS fail only” changed to “Failover only”.
  • Added ability to downgrade CE6 unit to CE5 via upg file in new “Downgrade” folder.
  • Fixed a bug with XTerm “slow” mode that prevented the mode from working as intended.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.18 Beta

Published to BETA 06/25/2021

Change Highlights

  • Updated the Iridium epoch datetime to the value currently published by Iridium.
  • Updated NOS format (GOES and polled) to include tsunami data from the same data frame as primary water level.
  • Updated nomenclature to use “client” and “server”

Xpert2 v4.0.0.17 Beta

Published to BETA 04/13/2021

Change Highlights

  • Restored RS485SDI.SLL and QuadW.SLL to download packages.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.16 Beta

Published to BETA 09/04/2020

Change Highlights

  • Added support for new satellite type, “INSAT Enhanced TDMA”.
  • Added more time to find logs on SD cards at boot.
  • Xterm updated to support production kernel upgrade.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.15 Beta

Published to BETA 07/01/2020

Change Highlights

  • Updated wave processing block to set quality to bad when either too many outliers are detected or the spectral moment is 0.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.14 Beta

Published to BETA 04/22/2020

Change Highlights

  • Updated wave processing block to set quality to good for very low wave condition.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.13 Beta

Published to BETA 02/25/2020

Change Highlights

  • Fixed bug QC block enhancement introduced in, where the low limit enable property determined whether the hi and ROC limits were checked.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.12 Beta

Published to BETA 02/13/2020

Change Highlights

  • Enhanced QC block by adding the ability to enable and disable selected limit checks. Also, added new ROC (rate-of-change) limit check.
  • Fixed a bug where short, ushort, int, and uint values weren’t being rounded before conversion to modbus registers.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.11 Beta

Published to BETA 11/07/2019

Change Highlights

  • Revised upgrade files to specify the version of Xterm required to successfully upgrade. This prevents old versions of XTerm from processing a new upgrade file and corrupting a CE6 unit with CE5 files.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in where the latest OS files were not being included in upgrade packages.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.10 Beta

Published to BETA 11/01/2019

Change Highlights

  • Updated location of OS image for production SD Card upgrade.
  • Fixed bug in CF production upgrade to handle pre-programmed parts containing older OS images.
  • Basic’s Flush statement when used on a log file will now save the state of the log file.
  • Files with a “.log” extension that are not valid Xpert log files are now ignored during the log scan at startup.
  • RAS information has been added to the IpConfig information in the System Status screen.
  • Fixed a potential race condition in the application shutdown logic that could result in the application failing to shutdown.
  • Increased the time the system waits for SD card to load to improve upgrade reliability.
  • Fixed a bug where new touch calibration settings were not always saved.
  • Fixed a bug in Xterm where it failed to detect bootloader version properly.

Xpert2 v4.0.0.9 Beta

Published to BETA 09/03/2019

Change Highlights

  • Added 4Hz sampling to the “WavProc” wave processing block.
  • Added a login-timeout to the CCSAIL parser.
  • The “cal” command is now allowed under Data Retrieval mode.
  • Improved ability to obtain an IP address via DHCP from routers that respond more slowly than expected.
  • Operating system version updated for units shipping after August 2019.
  • Fixed a problem with Xterm on Windows 10 automatically detecting Xpert stations on the network.
  • Fixed a bug where a GPRS/LAN/Iridium telemetry tag could cause a crash if no data were available for transmission.
  • Fixed a bug to properly format an empty SSP data transmission.
  • Fixed a bug where remote.exe could crash on shutdown.
  • Fixed various minor resource (memory) leaks.
  • Fixed a bug where the “tasks” command could fail with an exception

Xpert2 v3.23.0.12 Beta

Published to BETA 06/30/2020

Change Highlights

  • Revised wave processing block to set Tp value to 0.0, and to set all output quality values to “good”, when very low wave activity exists.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.11 Beta

Published to BETA 08/27/2019

Change Highlights

  • Added support for 4Hz data sampling to WaveProc and DQAP blocks.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.10 Beta

Published to BETA 02/01/2019

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v3.22.0.7 where a LAN, GPRS, or Iridium transmission interval of 00:00:00 could result in a crash when the data marked for transmission is measured.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.9 Beta

Published to BETA 01/04/2019

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v3.23.0.3 where min and max were calculated incorrectly by the Moving Average block when “circular input” was enabled.
  • When rescheduling an average module due to RTC change, if less than half the averaging duration remains, reschedule the average to begin on the next interval rather than starting over half-way through the current interval. This ensures small corrections to RTC backwards in time do not cause averages to reschedule in such a way that the average is bound to overwrite good data with bad for the interval just completed.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.8 Beta

Published to BETA 11/13/2018

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug where SSP protocol was not being used when transmitting over LAN or GPRS while SSP was the selected format.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.5 Beta

Published to BETA 08/22/2018

Change Highlights

  • Added “enhanced” quality flag calculation for LEADS.SLL calibrator block.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 06/28/2018

Change Highlights

  • Added “min” and “max” outputs to Moving Average block.
  • Added “Moving (sliding window)” option to the Accum block.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 05/31/2018

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a memory leak bug when using the systat command in basic.

Xpert2 v3.23.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 05/18/2018

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug in PPP.SLL that prevented connections from timing out properly on connect failure.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.19 Beta

Published to BETA 02/13/2018

Change Highlights

  • Added support for MODBUS RS485 over COM9.
  • Fixed a bug in SHEF formatted retransmissions where the offset parameter was relative to the original transmission time, rather than the retransmission time.
  • Fixed a bug where GPRS modem would get into a loop reporting RAS error code 633.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.18 Beta

Published to BETA 01/31/2018

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug where system would stop allowing logins by telnet.
  • Fixed a bug where repeated login attempts resulted in a memory leak.
  • Fixed a bug PPP.SLL to deal with a backwards time jump when scheduling alarms.
  • The GPRS power warmup setting now defaults to 60 seconds when user selects Setup File — New.

Xpert2 v3.22.1.1 Beta

Published to BETA 01/05/2019

Change Highlights

  • When rescheduling an average module due to RTC change, if less than half the averaging duration remains, reschedule the average to begin on the next interval rather than starting over half-way through the current interval. This ensures small corrections to RTC backwards in time do not cause averages to reschedule in such a way that the average is bound to overwrite good data with bad for the interval just completed.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.17 Beta

Published to BETA 01/15/2018

Change Highlights

  • Increased ACK timeout used in Hydromet Cloud protocol to 60 seconds, to reduce the chance of retransmitting data that has already been received by the destination server.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.16 Beta

Published to BETA 01/08/2018

Change Highlights

  • The GPRS power settings dialog now contains all GPRS power-related settings, including those that control power-on via DTR and Dig I/O. The Relay settings dialog, where these latter settings used to be displayed, has been removed.
  • The GPRS power warmup setting now defaults to 60 seconds.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.15 Beta

Published to BETA 01/02/2018

Change Highlights

  • The quality of the vectored average outputs “sumX/n”, “sumY/n”, “VsumX/n”, and “VsumY/n” now follow the quality of the other (non-count) averaged outputs. Hence, if an insufficient number of samples is taken during the averaging period, the quality of these outputs will be marked bad. Previously, the quality was always good. In addition, the units assigned to these outputs is now blank, rather than “Cnt”.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.14 Beta

Published to BETA 11/20/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added quality to the values displayed on the Data tab

Xpert2 v3.22.0.13 Beta

Published to BETA 11/17/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added options to LogRec block and EzSetup measurements to allow a user-specified value to be logged for data having bad or undefined quality. Using the default value of “NaN” allows SSP time-tag polls to contain “nil” for data having bad quality.
  • Added read timeout to Nortek block, allowing customization of the time the block will wait for the next character of incoming data, once it starts

Xpert2 v3.22.0.12 Beta

Published to BETA 11/02/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added “Input Quality %” property to Average and Vector Average blocks, with option to enable and disable. When enabled, the block requires at least the specified percentage of input samples to have good quality, in order to set the output quality to good.
  • Added four new outputs to the Vector Average block: sumX/n and sumY/n contain the raw averages of the X and Y direction components, and VsumX/n and VsumY/n contain the vectored averages of the X and Y direction components.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.11 Beta

Published to BETA 10/20/2017

Change Highlights

  • Improved i2c communication reliability in noisy bus conditions
  • Fixed a bug where the message length of 1200 baud messages was twice what it should be (Satlink test dialog)
  • Minor formatting changes to the GPRS Custom Settings dialog introduced in

Xpert2 v3.22.0.10 Beta

Published to BETA 10/17/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added a new “QC” block under Processing, to set the output quality of the incoming data to bad if it fails a simple min/max range test
  • The system now retrieves transmission data from the log, if it is not found in memory
  • Fixed a bug where the vectored average wind gust direction was initialized incorrectly, causing the value to stay 0 following the interval start, until an increase in wind speed was observed from its initial value
  • Fixed a bug where the Basic call to turn on the LAN would report failure if the LAN were already on
  • GPRS SLL now supports HSPA modems by default
  • The GPRS Radio Band setting has been replaced with a Modem type setting and custom settings dialog
  • I2C slave transmissions now result in the I2C controller being reset, and the error being flagged as SLAVETX

Xpert2 v3.22.0.9 Beta

Published to BETA 07/27/2017

Change Highlights

  • Improved MODBUS TCP master communications (e.g., MBSensor and MBOut), by flushing input prior to sending a new command. This ensures any late response by the MOBDUS slave is not interpreted as the response to the new command.
  • –Added support for enabling MODBUS RS485 over COM9.–
  • Renamed “Session Type” setting (introduced in, to “Tx Protocol”.
  • Fixed issue introduced in where conversion of LAN and GPRS transmit settings in old setup resulted in a blank Session Type (Tx Protocol), and hence, a failed transmissions.

Xpert2 v3.22.0.8 Beta

Published to BETA 06/23/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added new “BUFR” format support to Satlink, GPRS, Iridium, and LAN transmissions

Xpert2 v3.22.0.7 Beta

Published to BETA 05/13/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added support for automatic retransmission of missed transmissions, to LAN, GPRS, and Iridium
  • “Center in Window” option is now automatically cleared and disabled when selecting a EUMETSAT satellite type for use with Satlink, to ensure consistency with EUMETSAT transmission timing requirements

Xpert2 v3.22.0.6 Beta

Published to BETA 05/03/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added support for selecting “EUMET HRDCP 1200” satellite type for use with Satlink, and renamed “MSG” satellite type to “EUMET SRDCP 100”
  • Fixed minor bug where the SRAcc (solar radiation accumulator) block would accept only integer threshold values
  • Fixed minor bug where MODBUS settings Delay 1 and Delay 2 were not disabled and ignored when using MODBUS over RS485
  • Fixed minor bug where the satellite type for random transmissions was used to compute Satlink output power even when random transmissions were disabled

Xpert2 v3.22.0.5 Beta

Published to BETA 04/12/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added CSV transmission format (LAN, GPRS)
  • Minor update to Hydromet Cloud protocol (session type “1”), to expect either server acknowledge or login, but not both

Xpert2 v3.22.0.4 Beta

Published to BETA 04/11/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added support for revised Hydromet Cloud protocol (session type “1”), to improve reliability of transmissions
  • Fixed bug in the Nortek block where the com port was not closed on recording stop, requiring a system reboot to restart properly
  • Fixed bug where HTTP header needed to specify “HTTP/1.1”, rather than the improper value, “HTTP/1.X”

Xpert2 v3.22.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 03/23/2017

Change Highlights

  • Fixed bug causing installed offline setup program to crash on startup (bug first introduced in beta
  • Fixed minor bug in multiple IP address support added in beta, where transmission success was not computed properly

Xpert2 v3.22.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 03/17/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added new feature to support transmissions to multiple IP addresses using GPRS
  • Added new feature to support using a Basic program to provide a custom formatter for LAN transmissions

Xpert2 v3.22.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 02/01/2017

Change Highlights

  • Added a new feature to enable telemetry transmissions to Hydromet Cloud using the LAN.
  • Fixed a bug where the login attempt by server during a Hydromet Cloud telemetry session would fail, if the user name and password were blank. Note that only Autopoll is currently able to issue commands to the station during this type of session.

Xpert2 v3.21.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 12/16/2016

Change Highlights

  • Added support for SNTP time-synchronization
  • Fixed bug where use of a log immediately following its creation (i.e., without rebooting the system), would cause a crash. This bug was introduced in

Xpert2 v3.21.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 11/18/2016

Change Highlights

  • Added ASCII Column format option to GPRS, Iridium, and Satlink transmissions

Xpert2 v3.21.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 11/16/2016

Change Highlights

  • The random “Trigger” group block now allows setting of “00:00:00” for data interval. When set as such, the random parameter blocks will no longer filter on data meeting the group’s schedule. Instead, any data received by the random parameter block is buffered for transmission.
  • Fixed a bug in the modbus serial client (MBSensor and MBOut blocks), where blocks scheduled to run at the same time could eventually result in a failure to retrieve all the data for a scheduled slot. In this error case, the system log would report “Failed obtaining port lock”.

Xpert2 v3.20.0.8 Beta

Published to BETA 10/31/2016

Change Highlights

  • LogRec block now provides the record as a text string at output 3

Xpert2 v3.20.0.7 Beta

Published to BETA 10/27/2016

Change Highlights

  • Enhancements to custom UWAPL.SLL, to support SWIFT v4.0 (SBG Ellipse block and TCP/IP broadcast)
  • INSAT formatter now corrects overflow values by setting max value, rather than assigning a junk value
  • Logger now waits at least a minute in between requests to Satlink for transmission window close time

Xpert2 v3.20.0.6 Beta

Published to BETA 09/27/2016

Change Highlights

  • Enhancements to custom UWAPL.SLL, to support SWIFT v4.0 (Signature block)

Xpert2 v3.20.0.5 Beta

Published to BETA 07/15/2016

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug where logging would fail in an EzSetup measurement that had a Measurements to Log value greater than 1 while having a Time offset of something other than 00:00:00

Xpert2 v3.20.0.4 Beta

Published to BETA 06/30/2016

Change Highlights

  • Fixed bug in V536 block where a measurement interval greater than 10 minutes would result in buffer overrun, sometimes resulting in reboot or other strange behavior.

Xpert2 v3.20.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 06/29/2016

Change Highlights

  • Added new “WtrDns” block to calculate sea water density using salinity (PSU), temp (C), and pressure (decibars)

Xpert2 v3.20.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 06/21/2016

Change Highlights

Xpert2 v3.20.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 06/20/2016

Change Highlights

  • Enhancements to custom UWAPL.SLL, to support SWIFT v3.4
  • WaveProc block now delays allocation of data buffers until needed

Xpert2 v3.19.0.10 Beta

Released to Production 06/13/2016

Change Highlights

  • LEADS.SLL and related changes:
    • Added an Ignore DSR/CD option to LEADS to allow use of devices which do not assert either DSR or CD. Debug message say “CCSAIL: Waiting for data.”
    • Switched the default LEADS/CCSail telnet port value from 24 to 26 to avoid conflicts with Remote
    • If CCSAIL is unable to startup and take control of the serial port for any reason, rather than failing, it will retry every 30 seconds
    • Added support for Zeno log export date format when LEADS.SLL is present

Xpert2 v3.19.0.9 Beta

Published to BETA 05/24/2016

Change Highlights

  • Fixed bug in Nortek SLL where sending configuration file to 2D AWAC would fail
  • Added support for creating nested archive directory in Nortek SLL

Xpert2 v3.19.0.8 Beta

Published to BETA 05/23/2016

Change Highlights

  • Prompt to stop recordording before clearing a log
  • Fixed a memory leak caused when clearing a log
  • Reboot system if attempt to access SD Card locks up

Xpert2 v3.19.0.7 Beta

Published to BETA 05/02/2016

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a memory leak in Basic’s WaitEvent function

Xpert2 v3.19.0.6 Beta

Published to BETA 04/22/2016

Change Highlights

  • When resizing log, user is now prompted to turn off recording, if it is not already off
  • Added a watchdog timeout during system start that will reboot the unit should the startup fail to complete within 24 hours (e.g., trouble encountered loading log files, etc.)
  • Revised NOS formatter to ensure that formatting continues even when primary water data is missing or has bad quality
  • Added support to Nortek block for decoding binary data streams from Nortek Aquadopp sensors
  • Fixed a bug in the Nortek block where only up to about 1000 files could be written to the designated archive directory
  • Added AquaPro SLL to standard build and download
  • Added a timeout to force-hangup GPRS (RAS/PPP) dial attempt, should it get stuck
  • Fixed a bug where registry entries for an HSPA modem were being overwritten during upgrade
  • Added INSAT TDMA satellite type selection for Satlink
  • Fixed bug where speech modem key processing failed to exit on abort (app exit, etc.)
  • Corrected output labels of LEADSVectAvg block
  • Updated vectored average algorithm to use Yamartino method for calculating STD Direction Unit. Update applies to VectAvg, LEADSVecAvg, and NIFCVAvg blocks

Xpert2 v3.19.0.5 Beta

Published to BETA 01/06/2016

Change Highlights

  • When creating a PORTS tag using ASCII data (e.g., data obtained via “NS” command), the Nortek block now formats amplitudes correctly (no longer always 0.0)
  • SDI-12 block now reports any SDI errors that occur during the measurement to the system log

Xpert2 v3.19.0.4 Beta

Published to BETA 12/08/2015

Change Highlights

  • Updated custom UW-APL SLL per customer spec

Xpert2 v3.19.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 11/10/2015

Change Highlights

  • Added ability to transmit over GPRS even when LAN is active
  • Fixed bug that could lead to GPRS communications thread locking up
  • Fixed bug that caused system to stop working after power on reset of GPRS modem when alarm interval is 1 minute
  • Added support for Iridium fall-back of GPRS alarm transmissions

Xpert2 v3.19.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 09/03/2015

Change Highlights

  • Enhanced UW-APL SLL by adding use of 25Hz AHRS data to histogram calculations, (docs and converter here: SWIFTv3.3-SBDCvt-v3.3.1)

Xpert2 v3.19.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 08/27/2015

Change Highlights

  • Enhanced UW-APL SLL by adding histogram output, ability to change camera resolution, more flexible configuration (docs and converter here: SWIFTv3.3-SBDCvt-v3.3.1). Note: This version uses 4Hz data in all histograms.

Xpert2 v3.18.0.12 Beta

Released to Production 10/09/2015

Change Highlights

  • Added support for selecting Japan MTSAT 100 and 300 BPS satellite types in Satlink settings

Xpert2 v3.18.0.11 Beta

Published to BETA 08/07/2015

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug where the Iridium property “Max Daily Bytes” was ignored when the associated GPRS failure occurred later than 3 minutes from start of the scheduled transmission
  • Updates to Xterm to improve reliability when performing system upgrades:
    • Xterm now allows more time for the logger to boot
    • Xterm ignores hardware flow control while the logger boots, to avoid misinterpretations of line state that could result in failures to send data. This change fixes cases where Xterm reports it failed bypassing Autoexec
  • Added ability to Xterm to transfer entire directories to and from the logger
  • Fixed a bug in Xterm.exe where passing /NOHS on the command line will default DTR to HIGH (was LOW)
  • Added new “VWire” sensor block, used to read multiple vibrating wire sensors whose configuration is defined by an associated csv file stored on Flash Disk
  • Improved ability to recover from a specific corruption of Flash Disk
  • SDK now contains previously missing telemetry.lib and header files

Xpert2 v3.18.0.9 Beta

Published to BETA 07/10/2015

Change Highlights

  • The completion resistor setting in the AirTemp properties dialog is now disabled for 0010 and 0020 (linear) sensors, since it is unused
  • The Const block now offers an “Autosave” property that can be used to enable/disable saving the setup file when the Const value changes due to a kick-back (e.g., when a new value is written to a ComsTag block that is downstream from the Const block and then “kicked-back” to the Const block)

Xpert2 v3.18.0.8 Beta

Published to BETA 07/08/2015

Change Highlights

  • Improved ability to detect insertion of SD cards and USB thumb drives. SD cards are detected more quickly, and the system now waits long enough to detect even those USB drives that take extra time to load

Xpert2 v3.18.0.7 Beta

Published to BETA 06/30/2015

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug that could lead to an SMS transmission not being attempted when a GPRS transmission failure occurs
  • Fixed a bug that would result in two measurement threads stalling due to a race condition between accessing the global tags list and the setup blocks list. This scenario was most commonly seen when using the MinMax block with an active “relative value” (tag) defined
  • The Basic Val() function now rejects out of bound characters and performs a sanity check on the input string length. These changes help ensure the system remains stable even if a junk string is used as input to the Val() function
  • Fixed a minor memory leak in the Satlink self-timed and random parameter blocks that are used to store data for transmission
  • The RS232 block now requires the number of “skipped” characters to be received before looking for the EOL string. Prior to this change, the block would stop reading the input string if the EOL were detected within the initial set of characters that fell within the “skipped” character range

Xpert2 v3.18.0.6 Beta

Published to BETA 06/19/2015

Change Highlights

  • Added support for HSPA/HSPDA/3G cell modem

Xpert2 v3.18.0.5 Beta

Published to BETA 06/11/2015

Change Highlights

  • Updated Basic Val() function to reject invalid input characters and to perform a sanity check on the length of the input string

Xpert2 v3.18.0.4 Beta

Published to BETA 05/28/2015

Change Highlights

  • Fixed a bug in GetTag block preventing ability to get a tag value from another station over TCP/IP

Xpert2 v3.18.0.3 Beta

Published to BETA 05/22/2015

Change Highlights

  • NOS formatter now starts tsunami data collection one index back from most recent to handle cusp cases where data is not yet available
  • NOS report generator now uses “Recent.Dat” for start tag and “Recent.dat” for end tag, when generating recent.dat
  • PB200 block now uses a 2 second timeout waiting for data from sensor

Xpert2 v3.18.0.2 Beta

Published to BETA 05/21/2015

Change Highlights

  • Added support for Janus HSPA910T modem for use with GPRS telemetry
  • Tolerate extra, trailing bytes in PDU of MODBUS TCP responses

Xpert2 v3.18.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 03/27/2015

Change Highlights

  • Enhancements to RS232 block (GPRS232.sll):
    • New “Parse starting index” property enables selecting a subset of fields from a sensor result, where the subset may start with the first parameter, or not. For example, you may use the RS232 block to measure a sensor returning 4 parameters, but you’re only interested in logging parameter 2. To achieve this, you would set “Parse starting index” to 2.
    • New “Display unused params on sensors tab” option enables hiding of “unused” parameters on the sensor tab, where an “unused” parameter is defined by a parameter whose block output does not have any blocks connected to it. Continuing with the example above, if you only want parameter 2 to show up on the sensors tab, you would clear the check for “Display unused params on sensors tab”.
    • New “output init” commands are available (up to 5), to be sent to the sensor on each measurement, prior to the get data command. This allows you to send special configuration or conditioning commands to prepare for the get data command, when needed.
  • LEADS sll notes now exclude extra white space before and after the note text, and will always have an EOF appended when added to the log. In addition, added a new CCSAIL command to retrieve model type, firmware version, and serial number.
  • Updated the default webserver header text to support enhanced browser capabilities

Xpert2 v3.17.0.18

Released to Production 04/20/2015

Xpert2 v3.16.0.9

Released to Production 10/28/2014

Xpert2 v3.15.0.5

Released to Production 04/11/2014

Xpert2 v3.14.0.11

Released to Production 09/18/2013

Xpert2 v3.13.0.15

Released to Production 07/12/2013

Xpert2 v3.12.0.11

Published to Production 03/25/2013

Xpert2 v3.11.0.26

Released to Production 12/20/2012

Xpert2 v3.10.0.8

Released to Production 04/20/2012

Xpert2 v3.9.0.8

Released to Production 02/29/2012

Xpert2 v3.8.0.6

Released to Production 12/16/2011

Xpert2 v3.4.0.6

Released to Production 08/02/2013

Xpert / 9210 Beta Software (original platform)

This software will not run on Xpert2 or 9210B hardware. It must be run on the original Xpert or 9210 hardware.

Xpert v2.14.0.1 Beta

Published to BETA 07/01/2015

Xpert v2.13.0.2

Released to Production 07/25/2013

Xpert v2.12.0.5

Released to Production 03/04/2013

Xpert v2.11.0.6

Released to Production 12/20/2012

Xpert v2.10.0.4

Released to Production 07/12/2011

Log Manager

Download this log reformatting utility here: LogManager.zip

LinkQuest Configuration Utility

Use this utility to send “rs232” and “synh” commands to LinkQuest acoustic modems during deployment.

Download here: LinkQuest

NOS Formatter Patches

The following download contains patches for various NOS formatter updates. To use, use Xterm to copy the patched Satlink.sll to the logger’s Flash Disk and then reboot. Note, be sure to copy the file built for the version of code already running in the logger! If your version can’t be found, please contact Sutron Customer Service.

Download here: SatlinkSLLs
Testing 5 second offset to marker time: Satlink-5SecondOffset

Iridium Epoch Patch for v3.13.0.15

The following download contains an Iridium SLL built for v3.13.0.15, but updated for the current Iridium epoch date (current as of Jan, 2016).

Download here: Iridium_v3.13.0.15


Built for

Download v4.0.1 here: SWIFT4.0.1_v3.20.0.8
Download v4.0.2 here: SWIFT4.0.2_v3.20.0.8
Download v4.0.3 here: SWIFT4.0.3_v3.20.0.8
Download v4.0.4 here: SWIFT4.0.4_v3.20.0.8
Download v4.0.5 here: SWIFT4.0.5_v3.20.0.8
Download v4.0.5-1 here: SWIFT4.0.5_v3.20.0.8-1
Download v4.0.6-1 here: SWIFT4.0.6_v4.0.0.17-1
Download v4.0.6-2 here: SWIFT4.0.6_v4.0.0.17-2
Download v4.0.7 here: SWIFT4.0.7_v4.0.0.17
Download v4.0.9 (with SDK update to here: SWIFT4.0.9_v4.0.0.28
Download v4.0.10 PREVIEW 2 here: SWIFT4.0.10_v4.0.0.28


TCPartyLine is a program that connects two incoming socket connections together over a TCP/IP network. This can help solve the problem of contacting a logger whose cell modem IP address is unknown (typically because it is assigned dynamically).

Download here: TCPartyLine

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